
14 Nights 15 Days
Tour Type
Group Size
2 Person
Tour Guide
1 Mentor

Mustang: Conquer the Heights

Embark on an extraordinary journey to conquer the heights of Mustang, a region renowned for its rugged beauty and rich cultural heritage. Your adventure begins with a scenic flight from Pokhara to Jomsom, a picturesque town nestled in the Kali Gandaki River valley. From Jomsom, the trek takes you through diverse landscapes, starting with a trek to Kagbeni, a historic village where the Kali Gandaki and Mustang Khola rivers converge. Here, ancient architecture and winding alleyways offer a glimpse into Mustang’s storied past, setting the stage for the exploration ahead.

Continuing deeper into the heart of Mustang, the trek winds its way to Chele, Geling, and Charang, each village revealing its own charm with traditional Tibetan houses and serene monasteries adorned with prayer flags. The journey culminates in Lo-Manthang, the ancient walled city and former capital of the Kingdom of Lo. Here, you’ll explore narrow alleys lined with whitewashed buildings, visit ancient temples and the royal palace, and immerse yourself in the spiritual atmosphere of this sacred city.

Throughout the trek, you’ll stay in simple lodges that offer comfort and a glimpse into local hospitality. The lodges are strategically located to provide stunning views of the Himalayan peaks and Mustang’s rugged landscapes, ensuring a serene retreat after each day’s adventure. From Lo-Manthang, the trek retraces its path through Ghami and Syangmochen, allowing you to revisit and reflect on the cultural treasures and natural beauty encountered along the way.

The journey concludes with a return to Kagbeni and Jomsom before flying back to Pokhara, where you can unwind and celebrate the memories of your conquest of the heights of Mustang. This expedition offers not just a physical challenge but a profound cultural and spiritual journey through one of Nepal’s most captivating regions, leaving you with lasting impressions of Mustang’s ancient traditions and breathtaking landscapes.

Destination  Kathmandu- Pokhara- Mustang
Departure As Requested
Departure Time As Requested
Return Time As Requested
  • Accommodation
  • Daily Breakfast
  • Sightseeing as per the itinerary
  • Airport / Hotel / Island Transfer as per the Itinerary
  • Air Fare
  • GST & TCS
  • Anything which is not mentioned in the Itinerary
  • Any Activity or meal which is not mentioned in the Itinerary
Travel With Private Car and SIC Transportation


Embark on an unforgettable journey through Mustang, beginning with a scenic flight to Jomsom. Trekking from Kagbeni, you'll traverse ancient villages like Chele, Geling, and Charang, each offering glimpses of traditional Tibetan culture and serene monasteries. Explore the ancient walled city of Lo-Manthang, with its historic temples and royal palace, before retracing your steps through Ghami and Syangmochen. Simple lodges provide comfort amidst rugged landscapes, offering stunning views of the Himalayas. Conclude with a return to Jomsom and a flight back to Pokhara, reflecting on the rich cultural tapestry and natural beauty of Mustang.

Upon arrival at Kathmandu Airport, our representative will warmly greet you and assist with the immigration and customs procedures. Afterward, you will be transferred to your hotel for check-in. Rest and refresh in the comfort of your accommodation, preparing for the adventures and discoveries that await in Kathmandu. Whether exploring ancient temples, bustling markets, or tranquil gardens, Kathmandu offers a blend of cultural richness and historical intrigue that promises an enriching experience. Enjoy a peaceful overnight stay, anticipating the journey ahead in this vibrant and culturally significant city.
Early in the morning, after enjoying a hearty breakfast, we embark on our journey to Pokhara. This scenic drive promises captivating views and a glimpse into the region's natural beauty. Upon reaching the airport, a seamless transfer will be arranged to take you to your hotel, ensuring a comfortable and hassle-free arrival. As the day winds down, you can spend a tranquil evening strolling along the picturesque lakeside, taking in the serene atmosphere and perhaps even catching the reflection of the surrounding mountains in the calm waters. The gentle ambiance of the lakeside walk provides a perfect end to your day. Finally, you'll retire to your hotel in Pokhara for a restful overnight stay, ready to explore more of this beautiful city the next day.
We take the spectacular early morning flight to Jomsom, a town renowned for its delicious apples and breathtaking scenery. As our plane descends, the dramatic landscapes of the Himalayas unfold, offering an awe-inspiring introduction to this remote region. Upon arrival at the tiny airstrip, we are warmly greeted by our trek crew, who will assist us throughout our journey. After a brief period of organizing and preparing our loads, we set off on our trek. The path leads us to the charming village of Kagbeni, with its picturesque setting and traditional architecture. The journey is marked by stunning vistas and the promise of adventure, setting the tone for the days ahead.
The trek to Chele is an exhilarating journey that begins with a steep climb up a series of gullies and small rock towers, offering dramatic views over Kagbeni with the majestic Nilgiri mountain providing a stunning white backdrop. The path from the Kagbeni check post hugs the east bank of the Kali Gandaki River, leading us through a dynamic landscape that continually rises and falls. As we progress, we reach the Mongolian village of Chele, where the entire community comprises Gurung villagers, renowned for their warm hospitality and unique culture. The route from Tanbe to Chele is particularly challenging, as it ascends to a high point around 3,100 meters before descending steeply and then undulating along the riverbank. The trek offers captivating views and cultural insights, especially as we pass through the village of Chhuksang, which provides a glimpse of the Chele settlement in the distance. Here, we also have the opportunity to visit a small cave Gumba, adding a spiritual element to our journey. A nominal fee of Rs. 100 per person allows access to this sacred site. After a brief walk along the riverbed, we cross a sturdy bridge over the Kali Gandaki River, where it tunnels beneath a massive red sandstone block. The final segment involves a short but sharp ascent to Chele, where the culmination of this challenging trek rewards us with breathtaking vistas and the welcoming embrace of this unique village.
Starting out early, you begin a steady uphill trek to Geling. From Geling, you continue to climb, eventually reaching the village of Tsarang, the second most popular settlement after Lomanthang. Tsarang is notable for its ancient palace, which houses a macabre yet fascinating artifact: a set of human hands. According to local legend, these hands belonged to the master builder of the palace and were severed to prevent him from replicating the palace's grandeur elsewhere, a tale that dates back approximately eight hundred years.
From Geling, two tracks descend into a gully east of the village. One route is steep and passes a trio of red, black, and white chortens, which are a common sight in upper Mustang. At the bottom of the gully, two bridges cross the river. There is also a direct path to this point that bypasses Ghami. The trail then ascends onto a gently sloping plateau and follows a very long mani wall for about half an hour. From the end of the wall, the trail heads east, moving away from a dramatically eroded red canyon wall that towers above the village of Tramar. After a steady climb, an altitude of 3,770 meters is reached approximately two hours from Ghami. The descent to Tsarang is mostly gentle and takes another two hours to complete.
The trek to Lo-Manthang is a remarkable journey through Upper Mustang, beginning with an early morning departure from Tsarang. The path ascends steadily, offering panoramic views of highlands and snow-capped peaks, and meanders through landscapes dotted with ancient chortens and mani walls. After crossing several high passes, including the Lo La pass at 3,950 meters, you are rewarded with a breathtaking view of Lo-Manthang. The descent into the valley is gentle, passing through small villages that preserve traditional Tibetan culture. Approaching the walled city of Lo-Manthang, you encounter whitewashed mud-brick houses, ancient monasteries, and the Royal Palace. This trek is not just a physical achievement but a journey into the heart of Mustang, blending natural beauty, cultural richness, and historical intrigue.
Setting out from Lo Manthang on horseback to explore the surrounding area and villages is a captivating experience in Upper Mustang. Within the city walls of Lo Manthang, there are four major temples, each of which is carefully guarded and accessible only at certain times with negotiation for the caretaker and key. Photography inside the gompas is prohibited by monks to protect the sanctity of the statues and paintings from art collectors. Venturing into the western valley, you'll discover Tingkhar, known for the raja's summer palace, and Kimlung, Phuwa, and Namgyal Gompa, situated on a striking ridge offering panoramic views. Namgyal Gompa is renowned for its ancient Tibetan thankas depicting religious themes, making it one of Mustang's most significant monasteries. Continuing your journey, you visit Tenger, a typical village in the region, and explore the Nymook Gompa, adding to your exploration of Mustang's cultural and spiritual heritage.
The trek to Ghami from Lo Manthang offers a glimpse into the rugged beauty and cultural richness of Upper Mustang. Starting from Lo Manthang, the trail winds through barren landscapes adorned with ancient chortens and mani walls, each bearing testament to the region's spiritual heritage. The path gradually ascends and descends, crossing high passes and offering expansive views of the surrounding valleys and distant peaks. As you approach Ghami, the landscape transforms, revealing terraced fields and traditional Tibetan villages nestled amidst the harsh terrain. Ghami itself is a quaint village with whitewashed houses and a serene atmosphere, providing a peaceful retreat after a day's trek. The journey to Ghami is not only a physical adventure but also a cultural exploration, offering insights into the unique lifestyle and traditions of the people of Upper Mustang.
The trek from Ghemi to Shyangmochen in Upper Mustang is a scenic journey through rugged terrain and traditional Tibetan villages. Starting from Ghemi's picturesque landscape, the trail ascends past ancient chortens and mani walls, offering panoramic views of arid valleys and distant peaks. Along the way, you'll encounter terraced fields and whitewashed houses, glimpsing into the daily life of locals. Shyangmochen itself is a serene village nestled amidst rolling hills, providing a tranquil retreat in the Himalayan wilderness, perfect for immersing in Mustang's cultural and natural beauty.
The trek from Shyangmochen to Kagbeni in Upper Mustang offers a captivating journey through diverse landscapes and cultural heritage. Starting from Shyangmochen's serene hills, the trail descends past traditional Tibetan villages with terraced fields and whitewashed houses. Following the Kali Gandaki River, you'll enjoy views of rugged canyon walls and desert-like scenery. Kagbeni, known for its ancient architecture and monasteries, serves as a historic gateway to Upper Mustang, offering a glimpse into the region's rich cultural and natural beauty.
The trek from Kagbeni to Jomsom offers stunning views of the Mustang region. Starting in Kagbeni, known for its ancient architecture, you'll follow the Kali Gandaki River upstream through arid landscapes. Along the way, experience traditional Tibetan villages and monasteries. Jomsom awaits as a bustling town famous for its apple orchards and as a hub for trekkers heading to the Annapurna region, making this trek a memorable blend of natural beauty and cultural exploration.
Today, you'll take a scenic flight from Jomsom to Pokhara, where you'll have the rest of the evening free to explore at your leisure. Pokhara offers a range of activities, from strolling along the lakeside to enjoying local cuisine and shopping for souvenirs. Overnight accommodation will be provided at a hotel in Pokhara, ensuring a comfortable end to your day of travel.
Early in the morning, we depart from Pokhara and embark on a scenic road journey to Kathmandu. This route offers breathtaking views of Nepal's countryside, passing through lush valleys, terraced fields, and picturesque villages. It's a chance to experience the diverse landscapes and cultural richness of Nepal as we make our way back to the bustling capital city of Kathmandu.
After breakfast, enjoy a leisurely morning with some free time to relax or explore nearby attractions at your own pace. You may wish to take a final stroll through the vibrant streets, indulge in a bit more shopping, or simply unwind at the hotel. As your flight time approaches, our driver will assist with your transfer to the airport. Reflecting on the memorable experiences and beautiful sights from your journey, you will board your flight for your onward journey, carrying with you the rich impressions of Nepal's landscapes, culture, and hospitality. Safe travels, and we hope to welcome you back soon!

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Base Price 56,500 70,000